“Your Mindset Will Help Define Your Identity”
When it comes to implementing a healthy mindset, some days are easier than others.
For example, one day I may feel fantastic.
In that instance, I have lots of energy, and am in a great mood, feeling centered and stable. I feel both mentally and physically strong.
During these days, I am able to check off most of my priorities. It is easier to fight and take a stand when things seem to flow and I feel good.
Another day may be completely different.
You know those days – you feel irritated, annoyed, on edge, unmotivated, have low energy, are barely able to keep your eyes open, and basically feel like the pits. During a day such as this, I may only be able to finish a couple of the things on my list.
The reality is that some days will be easier, and some days will be harder.
How I react and respond will help identify the person I am and strive to be.
Will I give up? Give in? Stand down? Or will I get up, fight, and stand my ground?
Do You Identify as a Warrior?
A warrior is a combination of both a fighter and a survivor. As a fighter, you take arms up against your mental health battle and fight through each day. Your weapons may not be swords and axes, but they are a healthy diet, exercise, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, possibly medications and implementing stress-reducing activities.
Yes, you are a warrior, too.
It takes courage and skill to live through each day.
Your ability to get through each day is a testament to your resolve and ability to survive. If you are reading these words, this means you are a warrior.
Excerpt/words by: John Poehler